Making This Year the Best: My 2019 Goals

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Hello! It's been a minute since I last posted on here, but you know what? It's a new year, so I'm ready to create new content.

I figured the best way to start off 2019 was to share my goals for the new year with you. No matter how cheesy it sounds, I love the idea of having a fresh start. It's a clean slate, and I have the ability to make it the most amazing, positive year ever.

I believe writing down and sharing your goals for the year is a really great way to hold yourself accountable for what you hope to accomplish. Having everything written down in one spot also makes it way easier to go back and look at how far you've come throughout the year. Keep scrolling to find out what goals I'll be accomplishing this year!

My 2019 Goals:

1. Secure a full-time job in my field.
After moving to New York, I've realized that this is a lot harder than I anticipated, but I know this will be the year I get a full-time job in editorial or social media in the fashion / beauty industry. It just takes lots and lots of hard work.

2. Start a YouTube Channel
I started watching beauty and lifestyle gurus on YouTube back in high school, and that's actually how I learned a lot about makeup. I've always wanted to start my own channel and create videos about things I'm passionate about, so I figured why not finally start? This is probably what I'm most excited to begin!

3. Create More Content
This is sort of similar to my goal above, but this goes beyond just creating videos. Whether it's a blog post, Instagram post, video, or Insta Story, I just want to create as much content as possible! Last year I realized how much I truly love doing this. I have so many ideas that I can't wait to bring to life!

4. Meditate Everyday
In 2018 I realized how beneficial meditation is to me. It helps with anxiety, makes me feel calmer, and is an amazing way to slow down for just 10 minutes a day. If you aren't familiar with it, check out my article I wrote about the best meditation apps to use.

5. Keep Meal Prepping
When I meal prep I save so much money on food. I'll admit, it can be a little overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's honestly the best way to cook. Not only do I save money, but I eat healthier and save time throughout the week, which is a huge help since my schedule is all over the place. Leave a comment below if you want to see a blog post about meal prepping!

6. Write it All Down
I got the new Blogilates planner for Christmas and I absolutely love it! I feel so much better when I write out my to-do list, daily gratitude, and work schedule. The planner also has a habit tracker, which I love because it's so easy to keep track of things that I want to do daily.

7. Continue My Yoga Practice and Dance More
I grouped these two things together since they both have to do with fitness. Last year, I started going to yoga pretty regularly and I love it so so much! I'm really looking forward to learning more about yoga and getting even better at it. I also want to start dance again. I danced for 13 years, and I miss it SO much, so I'll be making sure to go to some classes this year!

8. Run 4 Miles / Incorporate More Cardio into My Workouts
Back in 2018 I got pretty close to doing this, and my time per mile actually improved. After breaking my foot, I never fully got back into running like I used to. To be quite honest, cardio kind of took a back  burner in my fitness routine after it happened. I definitely wouldn't call myself a runner, but I really want to push myself to run 4 miles this year, and find fun ways to add more cardio into my workout routines.

When creating goals for the new year I think it's super important to make sure they are all attainable. Sometimes I feel like people can get a little carried away when thinking of their goals. If you create a bunch of giant goals for yourself it will get overwhelming, and you'll find yourself not accomplishing any. The best approach to this is sticking with goals you can actually see yourself doing, and then breaking it up into sections. This way you won't be overwhelmed with a huge goal and have no where to start.

Let's say you want to start eating healthy. I know, super cliché, but it is the top New Year's resolution after all. Instead of heading the grocery store and staring at the produce section with no idea where to start, try picking a healthy dinner recipe to make, and then eat it throughout the week. Or you could start by swapping your snacks for healthy options like fruit, carrots and hummus, or Larabars. At the start of each week you can add one more thing, like trying a healthy breakfast or lunch until it becomes a routine.

What are some of your goals for 2019? Let me know in the comments below, or tweet me @CaitlinRedd13


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